Ramses Welds a Brighter Future

Ramses, a student at the Learning Center in Worthington, Minnesota, was looking for a career change. He had experience working in customer service at Taco Johns and as an activity aide at South Shore Care Center, but he was yearning for a different path. That's when he heard about the welding training program offered through a partnership between the Southwest Minnesota Private Industry Council (SWMNPIC) and Minnesota West.

The Youth at Work Program is designed to empower young adults like Ramses by providing them with the skills and training needed for in-demand careers across southwest Minnesota. Ramses jumped at the opportunity to participate in the welding program, knowing it could unlock new possibilities for his future.

The program wasn't just about welding. Ramses also gained valuable knowledge in blueprint reading, earning a total of six credits upon completion. This comprehensive training equipped him with the technical skills and foundation to excel in the welding field.

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Ramses' hard work and dedication didn't go unnoticed. Even while still enrolled in the program, he impressed a local construction company, Elevators Works Inc., and landed a welding position! This new job offered a leap forward in his career, providing him with a promising future in the welding industry.

Ramses is incredibly grateful to SWMNPIC for the life-changing opportunity the Youth at Work program provided. He recognizes the dedication of the program's staff and industry partners, like AGCO, who are passionate about empowering young people like him. "This course has really changed the trajectory of not only my state but the state of everyone that was involved as an alumni," Ramses stated.

"Everyone that was involved in helping me, the people from AGCO and from the SWMNPIC are all genuinely amazing people trying to make a change."

Ramses' success story is a shining example of how the SWMNPIC's Youth at Work program is transforming lives and building a skilled workforce in southwest Minnesota. Contact us today to see if you qualify for one of our programs.

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