Leonardo’s Journey to Workforce Success


Leonardo joined the Youth at Work (YAW) program during his senior year of high school with no previous work experience. Referred by his teacher at Benson High School, he was eager to gain hands-on experience. He secured a summer job at the Benson Public Library—his first real step into the workforce.

When summer ended, Leonardo decided to take a gap year instead of starting college. The Southwest Minnesota Private Industry Council (PIC) extended his library hours, with the condition that he actively search for a new job in Benson. Working closely with Cathy, he developed a job search plan, applying to local employers and following up regularly.

Leonardo’s dedication paid off when he landed a job at Glacial Plains Cooperative (GPC) Convenience Store as a short-order cook. His time at the library had prepared him well, and he successfully transitioned to this new role, gaining valuable skills in customer service and kitchen management.

Though his ultimate goal is college, Leonardo’s experience with the YAW program provided a strong foundation for his future. He now has the skills and confidence to navigate the workforce as he continues to pursue his educational dreams.


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